.. _cpu-threading-torchscript-inference: CPU threading and TorchScript inference ================================================= PyTorch allows using multiple CPU threads during TorchScript model inference. The following figure shows different levels of parallelism one would find in a typical application: .. image:: cpu_threading_torchscript_inference.svg :width: 75% One or more inference threads execute a model's forward pass on the given inputs. Each inference thread invokes a JIT interpreter that executes the ops of a model inline, one by one. A model can utilize a ``fork`` TorchScript primitive to launch an asynchronous task. Forking several operations at once results in a task that is executed in parallel. The ``fork`` operator returns a ``future`` object which can be used to synchronize on later, for example: .. code-block:: python @torch.jit.script def compute_z(x): return torch.mm(x, self.w_z) @torch.jit.script def forward(x): # launch compute_z asynchronously: fut = torch.jit._fork(compute_z, x) # execute the next operation in parallel to compute_z: y = torch.mm(x, self.w_y) # wait for the result of compute_z: z = torch.jit._wait(fut) return y + z PyTorch uses a single thread pool for the inter-op parallelism, this thread pool is shared by all inference tasks that are forked within the application process. In addition to the inter-op parallelism, PyTorch can also utilize multiple threads within the ops (`intra-op parallelism`). This can be useful in many cases, including element-wise ops on large tensors, convolutions, GEMMs, embedding lookups and others. Build options ------------- PyTorch uses an internal ATen library to implement ops. In addition to that, PyTorch can also be built with support of external libraries, such as MKL_ and MKL-DNN_, to speed up computations on CPU. ATen, MKL and MKL-DNN support intra-op parallelism and depend on the following parallelization libraries to implement it: * OpenMP_ - a standard (and a library, usually shipped with a compiler), widely used in external libraries; * TBB_ - a newer parallelization library optimized for task-based parallelism and concurrent environments. OpenMP historically has been used by a large number of libraries. It is known for a relative ease of use and support for loop-based parallelism and other primitives. At the same time OpenMP is not known for a good interoperability with other threading libraries used by the application. In particular, OpenMP does not guarantee that a single per-process intra-op thread pool is going to be used in the application. On the contrary, two different inter-op threads will likely use different OpenMP thread pools for intra-op work. This might result in a large number of threads used by the application. TBB is used to a lesser extent in external libraries, but, at the same time, is optimized for the concurrent environments. PyTorch's TBB backend guarantees that there's a separate, single, per-process intra-op thread pool used by all of the ops running in the application. Depending of the use case, one might find one or another parallelization library a better choice in their application. PyTorch allows selecting of the parallelization backend used by ATen and other libraries at the build time with the following build options: +------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Library | Build Option | Values | Notes | +============+=======================+=============================+========================================+ | ATen | ``ATEN_THREADING`` | ``OMP`` (default), ``TBB`` | | +------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | MKL | ``MKL_THREADING`` | (same) | To enable MKL use ``BLAS=MKL`` | +------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | MKL-DNN | ``MKLDNN_THREADING`` | (same) | To enable MKL-DNN use ``USE_MKLDNN=1`` | +------------+-----------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------+ It is strongly recommended not to mix OpenMP and TBB within one build. Any of the ``TBB`` values above require ``USE_TBB=1`` build setting (default: OFF). A separate setting ``USE_OPENMP=1`` (default: ON) is required for OpenMP parallelism. Runtime API ----------- The following API is used to control thread settings: +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Type of parallelism | Settings | Notes | +========================+===========================================================+=========================================================+ | Inter-op parallelism | ``at::set_num_interop_threads``, | ``set*`` functions can only be called once and only | | | ``at::get_num_interop_threads`` (C++) | during the startup, before the actual operators running;| | | | | | | ``set_num_interop_threads``, | Default number of threads: number of CPU cores. | | | ``get_num_interop_threads`` (Python, :mod:`torch` module) | | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | Intra-op parallelism | ``at::set_num_threads``, | | | | ``at::get_num_threads`` (C++) | | | | ``set_num_threads``, | | | | ``get_num_threads`` (Python, :mod:`torch` module) | | | | | | | | Environment variables: | | | | ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` and ``MKL_NUM_THREADS`` | | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ For the intra-op parallelism settings, ``at::set_num_threads``, ``torch.set_num_threads`` always take precedence over environment variables, ``MKL_NUM_THREADS`` variable takes precedence over ``OMP_NUM_THREADS``. .. note:: ``parallel_info`` utility prints information about thread settings and can be used for debugging. Similar output can be also obtained in Python with ``torch.__config__.parallel_info()`` call. .. _OpenMP: https://www.openmp.org/ .. _TBB: https://github.com/intel/tbb .. _MKL: https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl .. _MKL-DNN: https://github.com/intel/mkl-dnn