Source code for torch.optim.optimizer

from collections import defaultdict

import torch
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from torch.autograd import Variable

required = object()

[docs]class Optimizer(object): """Base class for all optimizers. Arguments: params (iterable): an iterable of :class:`Variable` s or :class:`dict` s. Specifies what Variables should be optimized. defaults: (dict): a dict containing default values of optimization options (used when a parameter group doesn't specify them). """ def __init__(self, params, defaults): self.defaults = defaults if isinstance(params, Variable) or torch.is_tensor(params): raise TypeError("params argument given to the optimizer should be " "an iterable of Variables or dicts, but got " + torch.typename(params)) self.state = defaultdict(dict) self.param_groups = [] param_groups = list(params) if len(param_groups) == 0: raise ValueError("optimizer got an empty parameter list") if not isinstance(param_groups[0], dict): param_groups = [{'params': param_groups}] for param_group in param_groups: self.add_param_group(param_group) def __getstate__(self): return { 'state': self.state, 'param_groups': self.param_groups, } def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
[docs] def state_dict(self): """Returns the state of the optimizer as a :class:`dict`. It contains two entries: * state - a dict holding current optimization state. Its content differs between optimizer classes. * param_groups - a dict containing all parameter groups """ # Save ids instead of Variables def pack_group(group): packed = {k: v for k, v in group.items() if k != 'params'} packed['params'] = [id(p) for p in group['params']] return packed param_groups = [pack_group(g) for g in self.param_groups] # Remap state to use ids as keys packed_state = {(id(k) if isinstance(k, Variable) else k): v for k, v in self.state.items()} return { 'state': packed_state, 'param_groups': param_groups, }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): """Loads the optimizer state. Arguments: state_dict (dict): optimizer state. Should be an object returned from a call to :meth:`state_dict`. """ # deepcopy, to be consistent with module API state_dict = deepcopy(state_dict) # Validate the state_dict groups = self.param_groups saved_groups = state_dict['param_groups'] if len(groups) != len(saved_groups): raise ValueError("loaded state dict has a different number of " "parameter groups") param_lens = (len(g['params']) for g in groups) saved_lens = (len(g['params']) for g in saved_groups) if any(p_len != s_len for p_len, s_len in zip(param_lens, saved_lens)): raise ValueError("loaded state dict contains a parameter group " "that doesn't match the size of optimizer's group") # Update the state id_map = {old_id: p for old_id, p in zip(chain(*(g['params'] for g in saved_groups)), chain(*(g['params'] for g in groups)))} state = defaultdict( dict, {id_map.get(k, k): v for k, v in state_dict['state'].items()}) # Update parameter groups, setting their 'params' value def update_group(group, new_group): new_group['params'] = group['params'] return new_group param_groups = [ update_group(g, ng) for g, ng in zip(groups, saved_groups)] self.__setstate__({'state': state, 'param_groups': param_groups})
[docs] def zero_grad(self): """Clears the gradients of all optimized :class:`Variable` s.""" for group in self.param_groups: for p in group['params']: if p.grad is not None: if p.grad.volatile: else: data = p.grad = Variable(
[docs] def step(self, closure): """Performs a single optimization step (parameter update). Arguments: closure (callable): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. Optional for most optimizers. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_param_group(self, param_group): """Add a param group to the :class:`Optimizer` s `param_groups`. This can be useful when fine tuning a pre-trained network as frozen layers can be made trainable and added to the :class:`Optimizer` as training progresses. Arguments: param_group (dict): Specifies what Variables should be optimized along with group specific optimization options. """ assert isinstance(param_group, dict), "param group must be a dict" params = param_group['params'] if isinstance(params, Variable): param_group['params'] = [params] else: param_group['params'] = list(params) for param in param_group['params']: if not isinstance(param, Variable): raise TypeError("optimizer can only optimize Variables, " "but one of the params is " + torch.typename(param)) if not param.requires_grad: raise ValueError("optimizing a parameter that doesn't require gradients") if not param.is_leaf: raise ValueError("can't optimize a non-leaf Variable") for name, default in self.defaults.items(): if default is required and name not in param_group: raise ValueError("parameter group didn't specify a value of required optimization parameter " + name) else: param_group.setdefault(name, default) param_set = set() for group in self.param_groups: param_set.update(set(group['params'])) if not param_set.isdisjoint(set(param_group['params'])): raise ValueError("some parameters appear in more than one parameter group") self.param_groups.append(param_group)